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Monday, March 30, 2015

Google Cardboard - Wait a minute... CARDBOARD?

Now, I know what you are thinking.... Google is now making CARDBOARD??  Is there anything that they won't turn into a business model??

Don't go buying shares in corrugated paper just yet, what we are talking about here is Google's latest foray into Virtual Reality. In a series of previous blogs (to see, click: here, here and here) I talk about Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality and the use of the Oculus Rift and Daqri AR.  Well, Google has create a wonderful little version of this that uses cardboard (yes, you heard me right, cardboard) and any smart phone.  Hence "Google Cardboard."

The cool thing is that you can build it yourself or get the full kit for about $15.00.  Uh-huh, Fifteen bucks and a smart phone get you into the wonderful world of VR.

Here is the kit I purchased from laid out just before assembly

And here it is one minute later... all assembled - by my 9 year old son!!

There are a whole bunch of cool apps already made and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of video already up on you-tube supporting the split screen technology.  There are all sorts of ways to get involved with low cost VR, but this not what excites me. You see, there is a whole "development pack" that lets people create content!!

Imagine for a moment.... let's do what Google does best - a "mashup"

My daughter Rivi is a licensed tour guide in Israel (shameless plug.... She would love it if she could take her clients to the Kotel - the Western Wall - and have them stand back, use some sort of an an app and have the wall magically rebuild itself - in Augmented Reality - to show her clients exactly what it looked like at the time of Hadrian and the Second Temple Period.

Imagine.... This would be a real Project Based Learning project.  Real life application, coding, working with clients, distance collaboration, the whole "9 yards!!"

There are already platforms that are available to let her do this work.... Daqri for the Augmented Reality, The Google Cardboard for the presentation platform and High School students who are "itching" for a chance to try their "Mashup" skills.

OK, so how about it.... Daqri, drop me a line with a contact name of one of your engineers that we can work with!  Google - prove that you actually read emails and blogs about your wonderful leading edge programs.  Finally - Hey AMIT schools, are you interested??  What about the folks from CIJE??  Want to try a PBL of biblical proportions?

Drop me a line through he blog - lets get this going!!

Regards to All - and have a healthly and happy Passover.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Live DJLN/ELI Talk Webcast Today - Hillel Style....

What was your last webcast experience like?  I know mine.... Slides on the screen, voice over the slides, no video of presenter - pretty lifeless.

Well, today at 1PM PDT, Rabbi Sufrin from the Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy will be conducting a Google Hangout webcast for the DJLN/Eli Talks group. (The talk is on Blended Learning see description here)  .....  and the cool part is that we have set up a small TV studio in Rabbi's Office (that could be set up in any school for next-to-no-cost!!) to try to banish the "blah" type of webcast!!

The TV studio consists of an older PC, a Webcam and a great little program called "ManyCam."  (   

ManyCam is heart of the system and works on both PC's and Macs.  It lets you create a TV studio inside your school for almost no cost.  It is amazing!  This program allows us to present slides, picture in picture, full video, green screen effects and (hopefully) make an engaging webcast!

So, check out the live stream (link below to register) and then checkout the software!

UPDATE... since the live stream is over... here is a link to the video:

As always, your comments are solicited on the blog page.

See you all on-line!


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Huddle Spaces - It's not for football any more!

For his last birthday party, my son Tuvia had a group of friends over to play Minecraft.  He had spent a whole week building this amazing virtual world for he and his friends to play in but, before they began, Tuvia wanted to show them the "lay of the land."   The problem was that his iPad screen was too small for everyone to huddle around and see.  As his friends complained, Tuvia said "No Problem, Tattie (Yiddish for dad), can you please turn on the huddle room?"  As I chuckled, I mirrored Tuvia's iPad to our big screen TV and his friends were happy.

More and more, as collaboration becomes entrenched in the work that we do and the way that we teach, we have to be able easily share information.  It is during that sharing that new ideas can foster, and a deep, rich group participation can begin to flow.  Schools have realized that we have to let students experience this creative sharing "huddle" and as educators, we need to know how to facilitate the process.

Don't get me wrong, "huddle spaces" have existed for decades.  The kitchen table, the corner of the classroom, the office meeting room to name a few.  The difference now is how these spaces are being equipped in a specialized way to promote local and international collaboration. In my previous blog, I dealt with a ways to share technology in these spaces and below I show some examples of the spaces themselves.

In some spaces, students get together to share ideas - and screens.

In other spaces, small, directed (differentiated) classes can take place.

Some schools create multiple huddle spaces out of a larger space.

Not all huddle spaces need to have technology.  Some are just for germinating ideas by writing on the walls.

Do you have huddle spaces in your school?  What do you think about this idea?  Share on the blog page.



Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Monday, March 9, 2015

Screen Collaboration - Can't we all just get along?

As I was reading posts from the InTELA - Independent School Technology Educators of Los Angeles ( ... shout out to Lori Getz, Donna Mandosa, Kristin McDonald, Angela Neff, Tyler Nguyen, Richard Edmond and Tom Wadbrook....  I saw that some of my colleagues were being "attacked" by the dreaded "AppleTV signal drop!"

Now, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE airplay and the AppleTV but truth be told, it is sometimes a bit of trying relationship.  If an iPad loses its Wifi signal for a brief moment then the AppleTV will drop it like a "hot potato!"  Now, for the most part, we have fixed these problems at our Consortium Schools (hey... a reason to join!!).  The only "downside" is that other non-Apple devices can't easily attach and share the AppleTV.  Yes, there is AirParrot (my all-time fav - shout out to but isn't there an easier way to have all my devices screen share??

Yes... there is!!  One product that I have found that seems to answer most of my concerns is PRIJECTOR  (

The Prijector device works with all of the major platforms (the support folks at Prijector indicate that the Chrome OS plug-in will be out soon - I hope so as I have a few installations with Chromebooks).
But really gets me about this device is that it actually is a little computer!!  Not only can you screen share, but it has built in Wifi, Bluetooth, browser AND it is a stand alone conferencing unit - just add an external camera and "shoot!!"  It has two modes of use.  1) It is part of your network - like an AppleTV and you access it with a security code (that is changeable) or 2) It is it's own Access Point and you just log on to the Prijector and then the Prijector will put you on the Internet (password protected as well).

Unlike the AppleTV, Prijector has a built in web browser, so you can surf, link, play from the device itself.  This helps save the ever important, and never enough of, Wifi Bandwidth by not having to first stream to the iPad and then re-stream to the screen share device.

The only better way I have found to do advance screen sharing is to take a computer and run emulation software on it (Like Reflector from Squirrels). Unfortunately, this means that I have to purchase a whole computer for the setup - and that can be very expensive.

Where Prijector really, really shines is in the "Huddle Room" environment - but more on "Huddle Rooms" in a later post!!

So, go to the Prijector website and hunt around.  Does this device fit your needs?  If you are a member of the Consortium, you can book my demo unit and take it for a spin (hey... another reason to join!!)  Remember that I would love to read your comments and experiences with this and other similar devices.  Please share on the blog!



Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel