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Monday, July 24, 2017

Apple Issues Cyber-Threat Warning

I have many friends who say that viruses never infect an Apple computer (or iPad)...

Well Dod (Dod is Hebrew for "Uncle") Yossie is here to tell you that this just not so!!  Apple computers are just as susceptible to viruses and Trojans as are PC's.  That is why I always recommend that you purchase good anti-virus software for all of your electronic devices (iOS and Android included!!)

To prove my point, Apple today issued a Cyber-Threat warning for it's iOS for iPhones (and iPads).  There is a very real security threat that requires that the end user (that's you) download the patch from Apple.

The way to implement this fix is to head to the "Settings" menu and select "General", then you will see an option called "Software Update." Clicking on it should prompt the installation of iOS 10.3.3.

If you are running a Mac, go to the App Store and select the "Updates" tab. A prompt for macOS Sierra 10.12.6 should appear.

Now, just to be fair, the same threat exists for Android phones but they patched their software about a month ago.

Consider yourself warned!

As always, I solicit your comments on the website.


Yossie Frankel

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