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Thursday, December 29, 2016

If I could save time... in a curriculum (with apologies to Jim Croce)

After running my last LIVE Webcast on STEM in Limdai Kodesh (Jewish Studies), I got a lot of email from school administrators saying the same thing... "How can we add STEM in a dual-curriculum school?  We don't have an educator with the technical expertise like Rabbi Swigard and we don't have enough time to squeeze it into the curriculum!!"

While I understand their concern, the reality is that integrating STEM/STEAM into an existing curriculum doesn't necessarily take "a technology expert"  but rather, it takes someone with a bit of initiative, a bit of creativity and a willingness to reach out to a support network (PLN - Professional Learning Network) for help.  When done right, it is not a "squeeze it into the curriculum" but rather it enhances education!

Let me give you give you a real life example.  Let's take a Cheder (a religious elementary school) that has a full time dual curriculum - Judaic/Hebrew and General Studies/English... oh, and let's throw in a third language - Yiddish - just to spice things up!! The school wants to add STEM/STEAM education but can only allow one hour EVERY THREE WEEKS to do it! 

Yes, you read correctly.  The only available time in the curriculum was one hour, per grade, every three weeks!  Add to the equation that they don't have Technology Integration Specialist (like Rabbi Swigard) who can lead the charge!!  Ah, but what they DO have is an amazing principal with a vision and a fantastic teacher who doesn't think that anything is impossible.

Enter: The Brain Space at Cheder Menachem Elementary School in Los Angeles. (The official title is: Katz Corner - Kids Artistic Technology Zone.) 

Rabbi Aryeh Hoffman, with the support of his principal, Mrs. Yudi Blauner, has created something amazing!  Rabbi Hoffman only gets to see every student in the school during a science class, once every three weeks.  In that class he engages the students so much that - here is the cool part - the students want to continue learning ON THEIR OWN TIME (Lunch and the lunch recess) in The Brain Space.  This is not "sit down" learning!  This is active, participatory, student driven discovery in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics!

Here is a short video that shows what goes on in The Brain Space.

As an educator, this kind of excitement and participation by the students really gets me going!  So much so that I told Rabbi Hoffman that he MUST share what he is doing with the rest of schools that read my blog and watch the Technology: In Plain English LIVE Webcast.  So, save this date!!!

Next LIVE Webcast:
Special Guest: Rabbi Aryeh Hoffman - director of "The Brain Space" (KATZ Corner) at Cheder Menachem, LA
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
at 4PM Pacific Time

Be sure to log on LIVE to hear about this very creative way to do STEM/STEAM with almost no time in the curriculum schedule to pull it off.  Since we are LIVE, you can ask questions and get insights from Rabbi Hoffman.

I will be sending out the link to register next week.

As always, I solicit your comments on the blog post.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, December 23, 2016

Seasonal Salutations

As the calendar year winds down I would like to take a minute to wish you, my blog readers, all of the joy and happiness of the season!

For me here at Technology: In Plain English, it has been a very busy year as well as a very productive one!  I have been able to share information on STEM Learning, Blended and Project Based Education, the upcoming fields of Virtual and Augmented Reality and host of other items related to education in the 21st Century. Not to mention that I have had the opportunity to travel the US visiting CIJE ( schools and delivering a couple of Seminars for the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools (

The Technology: In Plain English - LIVE webinars have been restarted and the new web series will run approximately once a month and will cover - for the first few - techniques in STEM/STEAM education.  I will post the dates for the next one shortly, it most likely broadcast towards the end of January. (you can see previous livestreams at: YouTube: YossieFrankelChannel)

On the home front, my wife Batsheva, who is also an educator, has almost finished her book, The Jewish Educators Companion: A practical Guide with Essential Tools and Inspiration.  She is looking at a publishing date around Spring 2017 (with the prestigious Behrman House Publishers - stay tuned for more info on that!

My son Tuvia - you may remember him from my articles on Huddle Spaces, Kano Boy and my last LIVE webcast - has started working in the 3D gaming and design platform Unity.  His Middle-School (Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy has set up a special class for students to learn this amazing program.  Tuvia is also my "token middle schooler" that I use to test new gear and educational techniques - he has already started teaching other students (and teachers!) in his school and I am sure will soon be a commodity on the speaking circuit!! :-)

Keeping it in the family, my daughter Rivi (You may remember her as my co-host from previous LIVE Webcasts and I also used her to experiment with 360 video and pictures) is working as Licensed Tour Guide and Experiential Educator in Israel (unabashed plug!!).  Here is her Facebook page:  Look for the 360 Thursday's where she publishes her VR 360 pics!

Lastly, we have a jammed-packed 2017 set up, so please stay tuned and, as always, I solicit your comments on the blogsite.

Seasonal Salutations and a Happy New Year!


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

ROOM SCALE Virtual Reality for $30????

You may recall my recent post about Mini-bots - the cool Arduino based bots that John Umekubo put me onto...

Well, John has done it again! This time he has sent me info on the ZAP BOX Mixed Reality Headset for $30.00!!  Yes, you read correctly... $30.00!!

You have to check this out!!!!

Just like Google Cardboard was a game changer for many of us who were early experimenters in Virtual/Augmented Reality, I predict that this product with do the same thing in "Mixed Reality!"

Now, I hear some of you already... this is a Kickstarter, (click for link) how do you know if you are going to get your monies worth?

Well, yes, there is always some risk, but I have spent more on taking my family out for a simple Pizza!! I can hardly wait to get my hands on this and start some of my more ambitious students on developing applications!  (Maybe a virtual pizzeria! :-)

In my webcast yesterday with Rabbi Zach Swigard (STEM in Limudai Kodesh), we talked about using Augmented Reality in a STEM setting.  His students loved using it so much that, on their own initiative, they added AR elements to their school yearbook making the whole experience (and their yearbook) come alive!  Sometimes, it is these kind of spontaneous ideas that get folks all charged up and install a life-long love of learning in people.  I can hardly wait to see what they will do with this technology.

As always, I solicit you comments on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mini Bots - they are cool and teach coding at the same time!!

I love it when I find new tech that is cool AND teaches engineering basics!  This little pearl comes courtesy of John Umekubo, one of the most amazing maker space educators from InTELA ( my favorite PLN (Personal Learning Network).

Check it out...  THE RINGO:  The below video says it all!!

Yes, for real, these things are great!! - and anyone who teaches engineering in schools, already knows the power of Arduino (CIJE has three different programs based on the Arduino platform).

I can only begin to imagine the curriculum that I can build using this little device!  I can see it being used from about grade 4 (with its built in behaviors) and up.

What do you think?  Please let me know by commenting on the blogpage.



PS... Don't forget my upcoming Live Webcast on December 13th on STEM and Judaic Studies.

Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Sunday, December 4, 2016

STEM Education in Limdai Kodesh - LIVE!!

Thanks to all of my blog readers for their warm wishes on my return to regular blogging!  It is good to be back!!

What many people don't realize is that in order to produce a blog entry, it can take days of research as well as few hours of writing to produce one short quality blog post.  The time commitment is extensive, but the benefits of sharing information can be HUGE, so thank you all for your support!!!

Many of you have asked was when am I going to do the next live webcast?  Well, wait no more as the next live webcast will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 4PM Pacific Time.  Here is the rundown of what we will be covering...

The Mishchan: A 21st Century STEM Integration Example.

Joining me, live, will be Rabbi Zach Swigard - Technology Integration Specialist at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy - where he will review his amazing use of traditional Jewish text learning along with STEM integration. Rabbi Swigard will go over the teaching of the Mishchan (the Tabernacle) and its vessels and then we will then have a real, live 6th grade student show how, by using 3D design, 3D printing and Augmented Reality, the learning can really come to life. Since we are doing this live, you will see how easy it can be bring this kind of teaching to your class room!

The 6th grader (actually, my son Tuvia who is a student of Rabbi Swigard's), will create a model in TinkerCAD and then, using Waking App, create a Augmented Reality application.  Since we will be using Waking App, it is a simple jump to creating a live, AR/VR game on the same platform.

We will be taking real-time questions via Twitter, YouTube Messenger and email, so the event is best viewed live if you can.

Here is the link:

See you live on December 13th!!

As always, your comments are solicited on the blog site.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sivivon - 21st Century Style!

WOW!  It's hard to believe that it has been over 4 months since I have written my last blog post!  The folks at CIJE have kept me very busy working with our network of schools across the US.  I have had the pleasure to travel to Oakland, Seattle, San Diego, New York, Irvine. Los Vegas and of course my home base here in Los Angeles.

While I love visiting and working with all of the schools in the CIJE network, I had the particular pleasure of touring the brand new Startup Incubator (Si) at the Adelson Education Campus in Los Vegas.

The Si is an amazing space that incorporates a digital media lab (for audio-visual projects), a "maker space" filled with 3D printers, laser cutters, lathes and other traditional manufacturing tools, as well as a huge creation space where students can work with 3D modeling software, robotics, engineering and so on.

In a recent email, Dr. Yvonne Houy, the Incubator's Outreach Coordinator, and Dr. Camille McCue, the Director of Technology Innovations, outlined a really cool Si program that integrates Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, and STEM education. After hearing about it, I thought that this would be a great to share this information with you all!

Geared for grades 5 through 12, the Adelson's Si Dreidel project teaches the student about the historical and religious significance of Hanukkah's favorite game and then delves into the physics of what makes a Dreidel, basically a spinning top, work.  From there, each participant will design their own Dreidel and 3D print it. The younger students can use easy-to-learn programs such as TinkerCAD to design their Dreidel and the older participants can use more sophisticated software such as Fusion360.

Drs. Houy and MCue have assembled a series of videos and a website about the Si  Dreidel program that takes you through, step by step, what is involved in making this a viable project for your school. The videos are short and concise, explaining the different steps of the project perfectly!

As always, I am happy to help our CIJE schools with idea's like this, but I would highly recommend that you reach out directly to the two experts at the Si: Dr. Houy at or Dr. McCue at

Please feel free to comment on the blogsite!



Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Life: It's all a matter of perspective - A really fun video!

I love optical illusions.  They show us how our brains really work - and it is not necessarily the way we think they do!!

Remember my post on Cognitive Sciences and how our brain perceives reality?

How about my post on the DIY Dinosaur Illusion?

Well, my daughter (you know... the tour guide in Israel knows that I go crazy over this sort of stuff and sent me a great video from Tech Insider on Professor Kokichi Sugihara and his amazing works of art and physics!  It is well worth the 1.47 minutes of you time to watch!

Awesome, yes?!!! 

This next one will just blow your mind!

Want to know HOW it's done?  Well then, lets turn to Devon at the Make Anything// 3D Printing Channel on YouTube where he explains how this works AND he has made a 3D printable version that you can download and play with yourself!

Now, it that wasn't enough, Devon went on to make a... Well, I will let you watch it yourself!!

As always, I solicit your comments on the blog.

Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Go Go Gadget Augmented Reality!

I was sitting at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf next to Olympia Medical Center last week, enjoying a nice decaf ice coffee, when a smartly dressed fellow in a business suit walked in.

Nothing unusual there - you see that all the time at these coffee shops.

Oh, did I mention that he had his eyes glued to his smart phone?

Nothing new there either - modern society and all that... always checking email and texting...  

What was strange to me was that he was scanning the coffee shop with his smart phone, like he was looking for something.  It reminded me of the cartoon character Inspector Gadget.

I asked the fellow what he was doing.  He looked a bit sheepish and said that he was looking for Pokemon.


It seems that for most of last week, I had been living under a rock and had no idea about the latest craze going on across the world.... Pokemon GO

Using any smart device with an active Internet connection, you can go hunt for those elusive little critters with the help of Augmented Reality(AR). People are just going crazy doing this!

This supports what I have been saying for the last two years (I will let you scan my blog archive for my previous posts on AR/VR) about how Augmented Reality (and Virtual Reality) is here to stay.  The question now becomes, how do we leverage this in our classroom to enhance the learning experience?

While I have given examples before (here and here) and with even newer technology, you can create Augmented Reality scavenger hunts that can include school landmarks.  Imagine, the graduating class creates digital historical content to leave as a legacy to incoming freshmen via totally engrossing AR. When those freshmen graduate, they do the same thing. This could become a link and generational connection that creates continuity to alumni!  (Are you listening Development Directors?? Imagine the possibilities!!)  

Think about creating a connection between your classroom and the community.  Create tours of local landmarks (Like Jeff's Gourmet in Pico-Rob, Los Angeles - Hey Jeff, do I get a free hamburger for mentioning you?? :-) that includes video interviews or detailed history... all available with AR.

"Great," you say, "But how can this be done?  It must be really difficult."

Well, no... it isn't!  Let me explain...

My wife recently forwarded a really cool post ( to me about the Jerusalem Tower of David Museum's first ever hack-a-thon.  At this event, the winning team came up with an innovative idea using Augmented/Virtual Reality and gaming to engage museum visitors. Basically, they created an AR/VR game using a great new app from Israel called Waking App

After reading the article, I just had to try this so, a one minute download later, I had the Entiti creator running and within 20 minutes, I had my very own first AR program running!  It was soooo easy to use and yet so powerful!

So, my readers, there is no longer any excuse!  The future is here, now!!  We CAN do this!!

As always, I solicit your feedback on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Thursday, July 7, 2016

This is the 'Droid you are looking for - Sphero in the classroom!

In Star Wars, the Force Awakens, the 'droid BB8 has turned out to be one of the most lovable new characters.  So well liked that there is even a BB8 remote control 'droid made by Sphero 

So, imagine my geeked-out excitement when I found out that Sphero also has a full-fledged, STEM integrated, entry level programming/coding, problem solving educational product called SPRK!  I watched the four minute promo video (below) and was blown away by the possibilities.  You know what... let's save 6 paragraphs and have you just watch the video yourself...

So, if you are like me, the very first thing you want to do is see this product up close and personal and... thanks to the InTELA ( tech day being held here in Los Angeles on August 4th... you can!!

My co-coordinator for the event - Doug Hinko - actually uses this device at this his school!  He has a whole school pack and has volunteered to do an hour long, hands-on, workshop!!  All you need to do is register!  No charge for the day and lunch is supplied by the good folks from CIJE (yes, I convinced my boss to supply lunch! :-)

The event starts at 9am sharp (8am is registration) and here is a quick run down of some of the things that will happening during the day:

  • Keynote (9am) "Using Blended Learning to Transform Schools" by Clifford Maxwell (a member of the Cristensen Institute who oversees the Blended Learning Universe website - the definitive source of Blended Learning Resources).
  • Expert presentations on Apple's new iOS 9.3, Teaching with Apple, Coding with Apple and school integration of Apple products
  • Meraki Wifi and its MDM
  • Telecommuting for absent students with Kubi and Zoom
  • Sphero in the classroom (with Doug!)
  • The 6 lenses of questioning - a classroom methodology to improve critical thinking  and high order thinking skills (HOTS)- presented by internationally renowned speaker Batsheva Frankel.
  • and many more!!!
We are sifting through more presentation submissions from InTELA members so we will be announcing the full session schedule shortly!  It is going to be an amazing, jammed-packed day that is perfect for Teachers, Administrators, Tech Coordinators, Ed-Tech specialists and, like me, educational techno geeks!!!

Click THIS LINK to register today as space is limited.

As always, I solicit your comments on the website.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, June 17, 2016

You say keep, I say throw, I say good-bye and you say hello! (...with apologies to the Beatles!)

I LOVE new tech!  The advanced features, the latest-and-greatest applications, the computing power, the speed, and so on.

Now, that doesn't mean that I think that we should get rid of our "old" tech.  Schools invest significant dollars in technology every single year and they want a return on that investment (ROI).

It used to be that a laptop would last for about five to six years and a tablet would have a life span of about three to four years - a fairly decent ROI.  Not anymore!!  If you get three years out of your laptop, you are doing amazingly well and two years is about it for a tablet!  The ROI numbers are significantly different these days then it was say, three years ago.

Now, I hear you already... you are saying: "Yossele, I have an iPad and laptop that has been running for over 5 years!!" 

I believe you!! But, you are no longer able to load the latest software/app updates, or run the latest version of the Operating System (OS).  Considering the security vulnerability on the older OS's, that is a huge liability!!

Don't believe me?  Well, then, did you know that the newest copy of iOS for the iPad has been announced - just this week!  It won't run on an iPad version 2, 3 or iPad mini (original).  If you don't have the latest hardware (well, iPad 4 and higher anyway) then you are just out-of-luck!  And that's not all...

The most popular laptops being made are now thinner and lighter than ever before!  A good thing? Yes, but there is no way for a consumer to update components like the battery or RAM memory! When your well used battery won't hold a charge anymore, the only choice is to purchase a whole new laptop! (Yes, you can send it to a tech store to replace the battery, but sometimes the device is trashed during the service attempt.)

I must say that I feel like the harbinger of doom when I tell you that the Access Points (AP's) that run our schools' WiFi Internet will be changing - dramatically - in the next year.  The 802.11ac WAVE 2 is about to hit!!  That means that (sorry about going all techie on you here...) we will have AP's that can handle 5 gig of data!!  Most of our schools are only wired for 1gig!!!  This will require us to have to start replacing our infrastructure and that means big money!!  But, sorry folks, if you are looking for a five year plan, you are out-of-luck!  All of this now works in two to three year cycles.

Oi Vey - What do you do??!!

Well (Jean-Luc), to start, if you are CIJE school, there is no better time than right now to have your IT or EdTech person get in contact with me or my East Coast counterpart, Yitzchak, to schedule a meeting to look at what you are currently doing, discuss where you want to go and how can you get there.  We don't buy you the tech, but we can help you create a plan that will prepare you for the future. 

If you are not a CIJE School - then join us for our free on-line link-ups that we will be running throughout the next school year.  Stay tuned to the blog site and I will announce the events as I schedule them.  (You can catch previous sessions on my YouTube Channel.)

The next major event will be the InTELA ( Tech Day, being held in Los Angeles on Thursday August 4th at the Shalhevet High School.  It is free (CIJE is a co-sponsor for lunch!!) and we will be having presentations on the new Apple Classroom, iOS 10, Meraki's Mobile Device, Manager (MDM), Telepresence from Revolve Robotics, 3D printer demos, maker spaces, and much, much more.  Oh yes, we will also be having a vendor area!

The Silver lining to this cloud is...
... that by us being prepared, we can give our students the edge that they will need to succeed and thrive in the 21st Century.

As always, I solicit your comments on the blog site.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Thursday, June 9, 2016

And now, the end is near... and I did it with GradGopher! (Sorry Frankie)

One of my favorite hobbies is just sitting back and observing people - especially at the end of the school year. 

Have you ever noticed... students are running around in circles trying to get that last assignment in, teachers are panic mode trying to finish their grades... Ah, the smell of fear, panic, and - depending on who you are - anticipatory glee!!

During this time of controlled chaos and mayhem, one of the items that many overlook is the closing out of their school Google Apps For Education (GAFE) email, calendars and docs.  It might seem like a small thing, but in reality it can destroy a person's life... seriously!!  Imagine the student who has spent four years in high school, organizing their life, contacts, calendars and so on with the easy to use GAFE suite of tools.  They have graduated and It is now mid-summer and... suddenly... on the student's smartphone, the calendar disappears and all of their contacts are gone.  When they open their email - nothing there!!  Or, how about the teacher who used that same student to collaborate on a project of epic proportions that was going to be the cornerstone of a brand new curriculum for next year, and all of the shared Google Docs are gone!!  DISASTER!!!

So, my dear reader, I implore you to do a few minutes of planning - right now - to save you hours of hassle, not to mention a week's worth of pay on bottles of Tums antacids!!

Step one:  Remind all outgoing students and teachers that their GAFE accounts will be closed shortly after the school year!  Not just once or twice - but at least three times!

Step two:  Have students who have shared documents with you to change the ownership over to you!  (This is done by THE STUDENT right-clicking on the document, select share, advanced and then change "can edit" to "is owner.")

Step three: Use the new GRAD GOPHER.... to move all of the student's or teacher's files to their personal Gmail account.  It costs $20.00 ($15 if you give GradGopher a shout out on Facebook) but it is worth every single penny!  This program will move ALL OF YOUR DATA from your school account to your personal account.  INCLUDING SHARED FILES!!!  

Here is a quick video from GradGopher:

Yes, you can use for free but, after archiving your data, it can take hours and hours to transfer everything to your personal Gmail account.  Even then, it does not transfer docs shared with you!  (Also, you may need the assistance of a CompSci major to reload the emails!!)

Well there you have it... Dode Yossie's (dode means uncle in Hebrew) advice for a smooth year end transition.  Now, let's sit back together and... pass me another donut to eat as I sip my coffee.

As always, I solicit your comments on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Are you in your mind... or is your mind in you??

I just love the field of Cognitive Science!  It tackles questions like how do our perceptions influence who we are and, just to throw some Quantum Mechanics into things, how our perceptions actually shape the universe.  Real mind bending stuff!!

The disciplines involved in Cognitive Science:  source:

Speaking of the mind, did you know that we all perceive reality in different ways?  

Yes, really!!  

Something that I call Blue in Color may actually look different to you!  Remember the picture of the dress that went viral on the Internet?

The argument was what color was it?  Was it white and gold or blue and black?  Well, it depends on how you PERCEIVE things! (Do you want to find out what the real colors were... check out this Wikipedia article.)

Understanding how our brains work, how we remember and how we perceive things is the cornerstone to creating a great educational experience.  I have been studying this stuff for decades now and it never ceases to fascinate me. So imagine my interest when my ten year old son Tuvia starts telling me about this great TV series from National Geographic that explains how the brain works and how we perceive reality. (Shout to to Tuvia's friend Ami who showed him the video!)

This program has it all... it gives you the science behind how the brain works AND it has you actively participate with on-screen challenges!  I highly recommend that every single educator watches this series (available on NetFlix and Nat Geo channel).  Actually, EVERYONE should watch it - students and parents included.  It really gives the viewer a deep understanding of how the brain works which, of course, can then lead to a deeper understanding of how to structure education.

As you binge watch, I would suggest a nice red wine and some cheese and crackers.  Oh, if you are doing that, please send some my way!!

As always, I solicit your comments on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Email to the left, email to right - here I am, stuck in the middle!! (With apologies to Stealers Wheels!!)

On any given day, I get 200 or so emails in my inbox.  Some days more, but seldom less.

While there is the occasional spam, most of my emails are requests from my schools for advice or tech support, followed by blogs and journals that I subscribe to. Over the years, I have become very particular about which emails I open first. Support requests always take priority but the very next thing I look at is my feed from eSchool News.  There is ALWAYS something from them that is new, fresh and informative.

So, after dealing with a dozen small issues (switches down, DLS lines not working properly as well as a few "Kubi" sessions) I had a chance to grab a coffee and read a great article from eSchool on: Do one-to-one laptop programs work.

The short answer to this question is: yes... but as those of you who regularly read my blog know, I constantly advocate that it requires great planning and always, always, always the teachers must have great technical support and professional development.  Oh yes, and the program must NOT be created for the sake of adding technology!  It MUST be for the sake of enhancing the learning experience! 

So, if you are "newbie" to my blog site, here are some relevant blog posts that I have written on  that topic over the last while:

Give them a read and let me know what you think!

As always, your comments are solicited on the blogsite.


P.S.  Here is the link to song I referenced in the title...

Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Thursday, May 26, 2016

What's a flight got to do with it? (with apologies to Tina Turner)

I hate "red-eye" flights - with a passion!!

I will do everything that I can to avoid them but with a packed schedule, sometimes there is just no choice - Ya gotta fly at night.  When that happens, the reason for the journey had better be worth it.  Well, as I write this post at 3 AM on a Jet Blue flight back to Los Angeles from New York, I am happy to say that it really, really was.

I was at a CIJE sponsored training session on an amazing educational app called Ji Tap. Made by the folks over at Jewish Interactive (, teaming up with the people at Tiny Tap ( Jewish Educators and students can now create quality interactive games, digital story books, puzzles, quizzes and interactive presentations - all with Jewish graphics and fonts.  The part that absolutely blew me away was how amazingly easy it was to use. On my first use of the app, I had created my very own Jewish themed, fully interactive e-Book in under 3 minutes!!! - REALLY!!

Rather than spend a bunch of words to explain, you just need to watch this short, one minute video.

Now, wait.... THERE IS MORE!!! (I feel like a TV-Infomercial announcer!!)

Not only can you create amazing content!  Not only can you have your students create content!!  Not only can use other people's created content (when they share it) but the folks at Jewish Interactive have added a platform to push out these creations and track the answers/data for FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS!!!  Yes, you heard right - it tracks individual's responses as they play each game, read each book, answer each quiz and match each answer.  And if that weren't enough, it reports the data back to the teacher on a well designed student achievement dashboard!

So, if you are a Jewish Day School teacher or a Congregational Supplementary/Complementary teacher, you need to stop what you are doing and download this app!  

I have to sign off now as there is turbulence and the pilot has turned on the fasten seat belts light. Did I mention how much I hate turbulence?  Sigh...

As always, I solicit your comments on the blogsite.


P.S. For CIJE schools, if you would like more information, please contact Faigy Ravitz, Technology Integration Specialist, at

Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

From Godzilla to YouTube - Reality may not be what you think!!

When I was a kid, I loved to watch the original Godzilla movies.  Not the new CGI stuff mind you, but the character (pictured below) from the 50's and 60's.

What I used to giggle at the most were the horrid audio dubs... you know, where the actor's mouth moves and the words that come out just don't match the movements. Ultimately, this mismatch of visual and audio drove me to an appreciation for watching foreign movies with subtitles rather than dubbing.

Well, now there is a technology - developed by folks from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - that allows a face actor "take over" the face of someone on film and control all mouth and facial movements.  It is called "Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment."  The first time I saw this demonstrated I though "cool - no more bad dubs!!" but then a weird feeling began to settle in the pit of my stomach.

What if this technology was used on YouTube Videos where politicians, or other public figures, had their faces hijacked - or maybe better said as "face-jacked" - and people started falsifying statements made by these celebrities. 

Imagine, a video where Senator Sanders seemingly endorses the US presidential campaign of Donald Trump and you can't tell that it is false!  Imagine terrorist groups "face-jacking" world leaders and then using those faces to spread their terrorist propaganda.  Now, more than ever, we really need to teach our students to be critical thinkers and examine everything that they see - especially on TV or on the web - through a critical, cautious lens.  (In the case of Mr. Putin above, we know it is fabricated as he never smiles!!)

Here is a link to the demo video put out by the  Erlangen-Nuremberg university.

So, what do you think?  Are you as concerned about this as I am?  Let me know your thoughts in the comment section on the blog site.



Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why is taking notes on this computer different from all other note taking? - with apologies to Passover

It was the early 2000's, at the beginning of a new school year, and I was in a meeting with my Head of School, the School Board President, the three Principals and assorted concerned school board members - in short all of the big "machers" (Lit: Makers - Yiddish slang for very important people) for our private Jewish day school.  The topic: do we start a 1:1 laptop program where each student gets a laptop or not.  It seemed that another school had just introduced a 1:1 laptop program and our people were in a panic.  

It was into this dynamic that I asked a very simple question but, based on the intake of the collective breaths, you would have thought I had just announced the Passover plague of the death of the first born to the Pharaoh of Egypt!!  

And what did I say?  One word.  "WHY?"  Why do we want a 1:1 program?

"Well it's the new thing. 

Students can take notes with their computer, 

We can have a paperless school."

"Those are What's," I said.   "I want to know WHY?"

The room was somewhat silent for a moment and then one of my Principals turned and looked at me with a big smile on his face and he said; "To improve the ability for our students to learn and integrate in the 21st Century using the skills that will be demanded of them in an ever changing world."  And since I had been working on this very topic, with this very Principal, all summer, he winked at me and went on saying... "The computer is just a tool, and if we really want to be successful we are going to have to change the way we teach, engage the students, and work on our school's culture!"  I smiled back at him.  I guess that he really did read all of those articles that I had given him.

Now let's fast forward to the end of March of this year.

I am sitting at a table, "schmoozing" with a group of Jewish Day School principals about 21st Century teaching skills when one of them brings up an article that they had just read that seemed to indicate that students who use computers to take notes do worse in school than students who take handwritten notes.  It was one of those "how-are-you-going-answer-this-one-oh-technology-specialist-person-you" kind of statements.

I smiled at the group and said, "Of course!  What's the Chiddush? (Hebrew for: "what's the surprising new information?")  I went on to say that if the computer, or tablet, is just being used for taking notes, then it is an entire waste of money and time.  I went on to say that 21st Century education is not about the "gear" but how we use ALL of the tools that we have at our disposal to engage our students and allow for a deeper learning take place.  It's not about taking notes, it is about allowing for instant feedback on a topic, for sharing information, for allowing anytime/anywhere learning to take place.  It is about changing HOW we teach from presenting facts to allowing students to become lifelong learners. It is about - as I said to my Principal all those years ago - allowing our students to learn how to live in a world where the knowledge that they will need to succeed has not even been invented yet.

As we enter into Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom and redemption, we can take a lesson from the leader of that time: Moshe Rebeinu - Moses our teacher.  Moshe led a people who were embedded with "just-tell-me-what-to-do" slave mentality to being a people who were truly free.  

What was one of those freedoms?

How to Live a Life full of Learning - each day, everyday!

Have a happy and wonderful Passover.


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, April 15, 2016

A MUST ATTEND Live Webcast on Tuesday 4/19

One of the most mission critical systems in schools today is WiFi.  If you want anytime/anywhere learning to happen in your institution, then a solid network infrastructure is essential - but many schools have no idea how to do this!

Heads of School and Principals may not understand what is involved and don't have the language to become informed experts.

Teachers may not understand the potential of Anytime/Anywhere learning.

I.T. Directors may not be fully informed on implementation.

Academic Technology Specialists may not know the right "tech speak" to get what they need.

Well, on Tuesday April 19th at Noon sharp (Pacific Daylight Time) CIJE's Technology in Plain English will be hosting a LIVE Webcast that is just for you!! (click here to register)

We will cover, IN PLAIN ENGLISH (hence the name in the title!!):
  • What is WiFi and how it works.
  • How to set up an excellent WiFi configuration for your school.
  • How to "tune" an existing WiFi installation for maximum benefit.
  • Go over all of those "techie terms" so that you can understand what your hardware vendor/consultant/IT manager is talking about!
Joining me LIVE, will be a panel of educators and school administrators who have just gone through or are about to go through major changes to their WiFi systems.

Clark Brandon, Dean of Students - Arete Preparatory Academy
Clark Brandon's passion for the arts has involved him in television, film, and design for over thirty years. Born into a New York theatrical family, it was natural for Clark to start his career as an actor, starring in several television series. He went on to write and direct independent films, including the cult film "Skeeter" for New Line Cinema. His visionary instincts led him to the Internet in the 90's where he designed and programmed innovative and dynamic websites. In addition to his administrative role at Areté, Clark has taught New Media, Film and Society, and Documentary Filmmaking and has helped to create the school's unique arts program.

Erica Huls, Director of Educational Technology - Jacob Pressman Academy
Erica Huls hails from a long line of mid-western educators.  Her love of computers began when her father set up an Apple IIe in her bedroom before she was even five years old. She received her undergraduate degree from Augsburg College in MN and a Master's Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Minnesota, Mankato. Currently, she is the Director of Educational Technology for Rabbi Jacob Pressman Academy in Los Angeles, CA where she wears as many hats as can fit on her head.

Rabbi Yitzchak Feiglin, Director of Operations - Valley Torah High School
Rabbi Feiglin was instrumental in converting the out of date WiFi network at the Valley Torah Boys High School to latest state-of-the-art system and, with Dr Eliezer Jones - General Studies Principal, beginning the implementation of a Chromebook 1to1 program.

This event is free.  Technology in Plain English is a service of The Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE).  CIJE believes that Jewish day school graduates should be prepared to succeed in an ever-changing global society and to reach their potentials in their future careers and in life.  To that end, CIJE seeks to upgrade the technology and programs available to Jewish day schools and yeshivot so that the education these schools provide is world-class.

So please join us LIVE!!  Here is the registration link once again.

See you there!!


Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel