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לקרוא את הבלוג הזה בעברית, לתרגם הוא בצד הימין Pour traduire ce blog en Français, utiliser le bouton de traduction sur la droite de la page.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

eLearing - Jewish Style

As a Tech Specialist for CIJE (, every second Wednesday I have the pleasure and honor to facilitate a live video eLearning classroom for Rabbi Boruch Suffrin, Head of School for the Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy, here in Los Angeles.  Rabbi Sufrin gives an AMAZING Shiur (A class based on classical Jewish religious texts) at the Beth Jacob Synagogue.  His class is always packed AND it is live-streamed throughout the world! (Click here for the date/time of Rabbi Sufrin's next Shiur)

This is a view of the Shiur from the remote eLearning manager (where I field on-line 
questions from the web) and a view from an iPad

This is the Asus Tablet PC with an external HD camera (under $450.00!!) - Rabbi 
Sufrin Controls his whole Shiur from here.

A screen shot of this week's Shiur. (Click this link for a list of Rabbi Sufrin's Shiurim)

Rabbi Sufrin prepares source documents that are handed out to the attending participants and are interactively displayed on the screen for the "at home" participants to review (they are available to download as well).  In the past, these source sheets have taken Rabbi Sufrin many long hours of work to prepare, pulling the references from classical Jewish texts, some of which are thousands of years old.  This week though, the source sheets were prepared using a website called Sefaria. (

Sefaria is an ever growing source of information on Classical - and modern - Jewish texts.  By using a "Wiki-like" approach, they have gathered over 22,697 source sheets with 53 million words and almost 8 million of those words have been translated into multiple languages.

Founded in 2013, Sefaria is an unbelievable resource for the Jewish educator and presenter.  If you have the time and inclination, I would suggest that you get involved with this organization. Their platform works on tablets/computer/smart phones, etc.  If you don't have the technical expertise to loan, then make a donation to keep the project going.

What is Sefaria: Here is a short video

As we say good-bye to 2015 and prepare to welcome 2016, let's remember that not only do our students need to be life-long learners, but so do we.  As one of my favorite Sci-Fi spoof movies says: "Never give up! Never Surrender!!"

Have a great new year!!!

Warmest regards...

Yossie Frankel

Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Talk about a LONG class...

I have been teaching for over 30 years now and I remember the first time I had a double period class.  It was 90 minutes long and I was so worried that I would not be able to keep my students engaged.  I made it through that first class and, after about 6 months, I wondered how it was that I actually taught in a shorter period!

Well, you can imagine my reaction when I heard about the "Longest Shiur" (A Shiur is a Talmudic - Jewish Law - study session) that would be  OVER 18 HOURS LONG, organized, coordinated and led by a single person: Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, the Dean and Rav of Yeshivat Yavnah in Los Angeles, CA!!

Then, to pique my interest even more, not only would Rabbi Einhorn give this Shiur, but it would be live streamed - FOR THE FULL 18+ HOURS  on You Tube!!


I was definitely "in" to watch this.  Then I got a great email.  The Exec Producer, Lev Stark and the Producer, Aviv Tops wanted my help with some live streaming issues!!  Now, not only was I going be able to watch, but I could participate as well!!

So... The professional sound and camera crew are on site... We are live streaming... Direct to You Tube in full HD!!... And where are you??

You must check this out....

All funds raised will be used for scholarships for students to attend Jewish Day School, so while you are watching, make a pledge.

As always, I solicit and encourage your comments on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Force Awakens - on your home Internet!!

Ah, my young Padawan Techies...

We all know that the Internet can be a force for good - abundant information at one's fingertips, connecting with fellow learners throughout the world - but it also has a dark side - a warped space/time of endless hours playing games, and some sites that try to seduce us and waste our time with cute pictures of cats with lightsabers ( .  We call that the black hole, the dark side of the web.

So, as a parent, what can you do to manage the screen time, websites and general usage of the World Wide Web at your home?  Well, over the years I have seem many different home based solutions.  Some worked well, but the common thread was that the parents had to become technology specialists to use them!

Well, search no more!!  A force of light has awakened!!  

Disney (yes, the folks who now own Star Wars - hence all the bad puns...) has partnered with an AMAZING home Internet management device.  Not only does it work, but it is easy to use as well!!

I could extoll the virtues of this device, but the below linked video says it all!

I ordered mine and I can't wait for its arrival!!  I will keep you all posted on how it goes... My son is just going to love it!! (sarcasm intended!!)

May the FARCE be with you all!!


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wearable Tech... or just warm socks?!!

I absolutely MUST share this amazing piece of wearable tech with you all!  (Shout out to Donna Mandosa from the InTELA user group for sharing this!!!)

So, here is the "Big Idea" (Shout out to my wife Batsheva - the PBL instructor - she has taught me well...)

After a hard day of marking student papers, have you ever settled down on your couch to watch a Netflix video with a nice glass of dry red wine? (I am accepting bottles of GOOD kosher wine if anyone is offering!!)  After about 15 minutes into the movie... what happens.  If you are like me - zzzzzzzzzzz - Fast asleep!!  When I wake up, I have no idea of where I was in the movie!  Very frustrating...

Well, the folks at Netflix have the solution!!  Netflix socks!  When you doze off, they automatically pause your video so you don't miss a minute.... For real!!  This is a cool DIY project.

Check it out!  I would love to hear your feedback - my sock size is Large.... in case any of you are making these.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Special Professional Development Opportunity!

Hi everyone!

Firstly... my apologies for not blogging over last month.... I have been so busy setting up Shalhevet High School in their brand new building and working with my new network - The Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education - that I haven't had the time to get out any posts!!  Well, I am about to change that!!

So my first blog back is about a great Professional Development opportunity here in Los Angeles!!

On Sunday, October 18th, at the Shalhevet High School, we are going to be hosting a full day of PD dedicated to 21st Century Education.  Now, if you are an out-of-towner, we will have a live INTERACTIVE stream of the events as well!  As of right now, we have a full crew of folks attending from here in the US, Canada AND Israel!

The link for the local folks is:
If you are an Out-Of-Towner, here is the link for you:

Here is what we will be doing:

CIJE and Shalhevet High School
 invite you to join us for a
Teacher Professional Development Day
Sunday, October 18th 2015

Three amazing Sessions: This is an all-day event so please attend all three of them!!
Session One:  Lenses of Questioning Workshop
In this age of instant information access and shallow sound bites, it is imperative that we don't lose the skill of thoughtful, critical inquiry, as the ancient Jewish tradition of questioning teaches. The Lenses of Questioning method (loosely based on the business model of Six Hats of Thinking), as taught in the 1.5 hour workshop, gives solid tools and includes activities to both model for and train students to ask and analyze strong questions. This leads to deeper critical thinking skills and imaginative observations.
Session Two:  LaunchBox Demo
During lunch the lunch break, Batsheva will demonstrate the LaunchBox games and activities that explore philosophical issues through a Jewish lens. Learn about and play games such as C.Hi.P.-­‐In : Competing High Priorities Game, Feed Your Wolves (Deals with Good and Evil), Sage Advice (Love and Relationships) and Fortune in Your Hands (Fate and Free Will).
Session Three:  Project Based Learning Workshop
Although Project-­‐Based Learning is a "buzzy" term in educational circles, there are many misconceptions about it. Before we begin the nuts and bolts of how to create a successful PBL Unit, there will be a short introduction (before lunch) explains what PBL is, what it isn't and how using PBL can enhance learning in any subject.  After lunch, the main workshop session focuses on the essential elements and practices of Gold Standard Project-­‐Based Learning. Each participant will leave with tools, resources and ideas for incorporating these standards, as well as a plan for a specific unit to be used in class.

Here is how the day is set out: 
(We will be very prompt with the times - so don't come late!!)
8:45am to 9:30am               Registration with a light breakfast
9:30am to 9:45am               Welcome to the event
9:45am to 11:15am             Session One: Lenses of Questioning Workshop
11:15am to 11:30am           Short Break
11:30am to 12:00pm           Introduction to PBL (A MUST introduction for
                                                Session Three)
12:00pm to 1:00pm             Working Lunch: Bagel, Cream Cheese and Veggies
                                                AND Session Two:LaunchBox Demo
1:00pm to 3:00pm               Session Three: PBL Workshop

Venue:  The Brand New Shalhevet High School Building
910 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles 90036

Parking in the school lot is very limited.  When it is full, the lot will be closed.  Street parking is available as well as the Petersen Car Museum

Now, I know that you are wondering, so.... No, there is NO CHARGE FOR THIS EVENT!!!  All we ask is that if you register, that you show up!!

To register for the event, open a web-browser to:

 About the Presenter:
Batsheva Frankel has been teaching English, Judaic studies, creative writing and acting for over 20 years in a diversity of places throughout Los Angeles and the East coast. She has given lectures, classes and workshops for adults at Isralight Institute, JConnect, Jewlicious, Limmud, LimmudLA, American Jewish University, and Pico Shul. In 2011, Batsheva began developing LaunchBox which was the winner of the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles' The Next Big Jewish Idea contest. As an educational consultant she has taught at teachers' conferences, schools and synagogues in the United States and the United Kingdom. Batsheva is also a full-­‐time teacher and Dean of Faculty at Arete Preparatory Academy, as well as a published writer, performer and director.

As always, please feel free to share this post and I hope to see some of you on Sunday!


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High School
Technology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel
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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Traveling through a wormhole... aka - "beam me up Scotty!"

OK, so maybe I didn't bend time and space, but it sure felt like it to me!!

Last Thursday morning, at 9:30am, I was in Silicon Valley sitting on a panel about "Robotics in Business" and then by 10:30 am, I was in Los Angeles at the Shalhevet High School construction site installing network switches.

Now, I know what many of you are thinking.... "What's the big deal?  You were just on a video conference."

Well, yes and no.... I was engaging in "telepresence" using a marvelous little robot call a "Kubi" (see my blog: and I actually FELT like I was attending the event - in person!!  Based on some of the feedback I got from attendees, they also felt as if I was actually present - talking directly to them, participating in person.

I have been on the receiving side of the Kubi ( many times, setting up a room where my speaker is on the Kubi, mounted on a tripod and it feels like s/he is actually in the room participating.  This is my first time being the presenter who is off in the distance and I found the experience to be transformative.  I really, really, really felt like I was there, sitting on the panel and fully participating.  Here... take a look at the picture... I am the guy on the end...

So, the next time you are going to host an event like above, consider "Kubi-ing" in to the conference.  You will be quite pleased!

If you were at this event, I would love to hear what you thought! (Pictures are solicited!!)  As always, please comment on the blog page.

Oh, I see that it is time for me to go, so "beam me up Scotty!"



Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High School
Technology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The continuing adventures of Kano Boy - the Last Day!

So, it had to come at last - Tuvia's final day at the Kano camp run by Star Camps.  This day was particularly exciting for Tuvia as he got to bring his Kano home.  Here is our final interview...

Well son, this was the last day of camp!  What was the thing that you were most looking forward to?
Tuvia: Taking home my Kano!!

I get that, but what I want to know is what was the thing you were looking forward to at the camp itself?
T: OH.... well then... (Tuvia furrows his brow in thought) fixing my scratch calculator program!

Cool... so what was the first thing you got to do when you got to camp?
T: At drop off, before Kano rotation part one, I built structures with dominos.  One of the other kids was building with me - it was fun!

So tell me about Kano part one.
T:  I practiced using terminal to program my Kano - I made it make sounds.  When I was done with this, I played Minecraft.  After, I "modded" Pong.

Ah, Tuvia, is "modded" actually a word?
T: Yes, Tattie, it is a word - just like "Googled."  It means modified!  Anyhoo... (me: I wondered to myself if that was a word as well, but I didn't say anything.)  I finished off the rotation with Minecraft again.

What was next?
T: Snack and rotation two... Scratch programming.

What did you do here?
T: I edited my Plane drawing game and made it into an actual game. When I was done, I finished editing my calculator program - I really wanted to finish that!!  From there I went to recess and played chess.  Oh! There was a surprise dance by the minecraft camp.

OK, we can skip that...
T: NO WE CAN'T!!! It was the "surprise of the week!"

OK, so I included it... what next?
T: Lunch was next and then rotation three - activities where I played Stratego.  It was fun!  And then on to rotation four.. the last Kano class!!

What did you do here?
T: Played Snake - no editing... just playing.  Then I used code to draw pictures. I played some more and then I got to pack up my Kano and bring it home!

Were you sad that the camp over?
T: Not really, I got to take home my Kano FINALLY!!  How could I be sad??!!

What did you learn from going to this camp?
T: That computers are more awesome than I thought they were... I also learned more about coding techniques... Oh yes, how to build a Kano!!!  That was cool too!!

So there you have it.  A week with Tuvia - Kano Boy!  When Tuvia got home, he couldn't wait to hook his Kano up to our big screen TV and show us everything that he learned.  Here are some pictures.

Next week Tuvia is in "Tech City... all things 3D" camp.  That should be an awesome experience as well!!

As always, your comments are solicited on the blog site.



Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High SchoolTechnology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The continuing adventures of Kano Boy - Day Three

As a parent, regarding my child's growth, I constantly ask myself: "Is my child having fun?  Are they learning?  Are they developing into a fine adult?" So, on Day Three of camp,I am concerned that Tuvia keeps on having a good time AND is learning.

Well, I am happy to share with you that it appears that he is!  He is now incorporating words and pictures together in his journal (he is only 10 and this IS a work in progress) and he IS still having fun and learning.  So here is the Day Three banter.  Enjoy...

What were you looking forward to at camp today?
Tuvia: I wanted to make a specific video game that I had an idea for.

Did you get a chance to do it?
T: Yes, but I will tell you about it later...

How did your day start today?
T: We started with Kano rotation part one

What did you do?
T: Used a program called "make snake" that allows me to modify snake.  I used the command terminal.

What is the command terminal?
T: It is kind of like a C.M.D kind of thing (Tuvia looks at me like I should know exactly what this is!!)

OooKay... what was next?
T: I played MineCraft PI edition using my previous mods from the day before. I then decorated my Kano computer box and then I coded with scratch on the Kano.   The game I made was that lasers shoot up from the bottom of the screen to the top where your avatar is standing.  You have to move side to side to avoid it.  It was fun and it took a little while to code it.  Then it was snack time.

So what did you do in snack?
T: Drank water and ate animal crackers... what else do you do in snack Tattie!! After snack I went to Rotation 2 - scratch programming.

And what did you do here?
T: I coded a series of instructions that allowed a airplane icon to draw lines on the screen using the keys on the keyboard.  Then the teacher asked me show the class how I coded the program so that you could adjust the size of the drawing by using variables.

Wow, the teacher asked you!!  Cool!!
T: Yes, he liked the way I was using variables.  After that I coded a calculator and then it was recess before lunch - so I went out and played chess.

What did you do after Lunch?
T: Rotation 3 - Activities.... I built circuits and play Stratego. After that it was straight into Kano Part two...

So what did you do there?
T: I coded with the Terminal and then played snake.

What was the hardest thing you did today?
T: It wasn't that hard a day, but what was the most challenging for me was to teach the class on how to use the variables for the pen size.  It was really hard because I had to keep stopping teaching to allow the class to keep up with me.

Welcome to being a teacher my son!!!

Tuvia will be on a field trip for tomorrow and then he brings his Kano home on Friday.  I will most likely post his last day exploits on Sunday.

Take care all and have a great Shabbat and weekend.


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High School
Technology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The continuing adventures of Kano Boy - Day Two

So day two has come and gone and Tuvia came home today just as excited and happy as he did yesterday!  For those of you who are educators reading this blog, examine carefuly some of Tuvia's comments about expectations and impressions.  These are unedited comments that give a wonderful insight into the mind set of a 10 year old boy.  Feel free to add comments (and questions for Tuvia) via the comments on the blog page!

Day Two...

What was the big thing you were anticipating for today?
Tuvia:  Working with Kano and modifying the games on the Kano.

What was the first thing you did at camp today?
T: waiting in the drop-off area for camp to start and watched people play games.

Why didn't you play any games?
T: I didn't want to PLAY the games.  I wanted to watch other people play.  I wanted to see HOW other people played so that I could get information that I could use for my own programming in the future.

So what was the first thing that you did when the camp started?
T:Rotation one was Kano part one. Here I played one of my favorite games - Minecraft Pi Edition. It played like an old version of Minecraft Pocket Edition (the iOS version) with a few little PC features included.

So, you are a minecraft expert?
T: Well, I know a lot about the game... I work in Red Stone, I create my own maps of my minecraft world, make my own server, install mods and I customize the .bat files... so not really an expert. (My Note... yes, he is an expert!!!)

OK... so what happened next?
T: I went for snack break - the two cookies you packed - Thanks Tattie (Yiddish for father)...  Then next  was scratch class.

Like yesterday?
T: Yes, except I added to the game from yesterday by adding a timer and a better score keeping algorithm.  Then we had recess and I played Handball - I really like handball. I was playing with about seven other kids...

Then what?
Lunch -I ate my whole sandwich... thanks again Tattie!!  After lunch I went to rotation 3

What is Rotation 3?
I made circuits with snap circuits ( and with this cool magnetic circuit thing... you use magnets to attach the circuits (  The magnet stuff was really cool and I was learning a lot.  Can we get that set Tattie?

Not for now, son.  I know that you love making circuits... how much fun was this?
T:It was good.  Not as complicated as I do at home... there were no transistors. Besides at home, I am going to start bread-boarding soon!

What was next?
T: Rotation four. Kano Part Two!!!! (Tuvia said this with MUCH enthusiasm!)

So what did you do here?
T: I got to edit Pong and Minecraft.  This is where I get to customize the games and change them to the way I want them to be.  Then it was drop off and I got to play chess with one of the kids.

On a computer?
T: No Tattie!! on a chessboard!!!

So, what was the most challenging thing you did today?
T: Making mods to Pong and Minecraft.  I had a lot of concepts to learn before I could make things work the way I wanted.

So there you have it folks... Impressions from a real 10 year old!

Regarding Tuvia's journal, I told him to include some words with his pictures.  So today, he went all "word" and no pictures.  Hopefully tomorrow he will get the balance!

Stay tuned for day three!!!


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High SchoolTechnology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The continuing adventures of Kano Boy!

As you may be following, my 10 year old son Tuvia is taking a week-long summer camp called "Programming with Kano" from the Star Education group here in Los Angeles (  I asked Tuvia if he would share his experiences with my blog readers and he was all for it!

So here is how it works... I ask Tuvia questions (some from you...) and he answers them.  Ready?  Here we go!!

Tell me what your impression was as you came to the camp?
Tuvia: It was a tall building, 4 floors and Ima (mother in Hebrew) and I went up to the second floor.  We went to a balcony where waited for camp to begin.

Were you excited?

How many kids were there?
T: about 30.  Some were younger and a few older.  We broke into three groups grades 2 and under, grade 3 and 4 and grades 5 and up.  I was in the last group.  Most of them are older than me though.

Did they all know programming already?
T: No, there were only a couple of us that had programmed before. I was pretty advanced and there was one other kid more advanced than me.

What was your schedule for the first day?
T: We broke into our three groups and my group went into the Scratch Programming class.  We used PC's and and those of us who knew how, started right away!

What did you do?
T: We made a game that has a dragon chasing a scratch kitty that was chasing cheese puffs.  By moving the cheese puffs, we could move the kitty so that it would not be caught by the dragon.

Sounds like fun.
T: It was!  I added a score counter!

How long was this class?
T: About 30 minutes

T: Ok, maybe longer... It's hard to tell time when you are having fun!!

So what was next
T: We had a break and then we played a game called Robot.

How did the game work?
There were three of us, a Robot, a Programmer and and Translator.  The programmer pointed to a paper with arrows on it and then the translator would tell the robot what to do.  Then we had Lunch.

No time with the Kano's yet?
T:NO!! I didn't want to keep waiting, but there was another group ahead of us... (at which point Tuvia sighs heavily!)

So when did you get to the Kano's?
T: Right after lunch.

Note:  At this point Tuvia just let loose with 10 year old excitement about what he did with "Kano Time."  I will just list it as the stream of consciousness that it was...
T: Very excited!!  I wanted to make a computer.. that's why I signed up.  each student got their own box.  Opened box - excited in ripping off the box - like my birthday.  Inside there was an orange box, and then another box and inside was the Kano set. The teacher told us what the parts were, but not what each one does...  plastic case.  Mother Board into case.  We then hooked up the speaker to the Mother Board.  put speaker on top of the case.  Plugged components... USB key for keyboard, plugged in flash memory, hooked up to monitor and put the charger into the charging station that gave it power. USB keyboard was plugged in...Booted for the first...exciting.  turned on Kano OS.... put in name, setup procedure... used it  play two games that came with computer.  Pong and snake....  then loaded scratch... and used it....  our group was the most advanced, so it was very easy for us. 

What was the most challenging thing about the day?
T: WAITING... to build the Kano!!

OK, after that...
T: Building the computer was the most challenging... I had to plug in the cords and some didn't work and the teacher came and helped.  I couldn't touch the circuit board as static electricity could have blown the Mother Board.

Wow, sounds like you had a great time!
T: Yes, I can hardly wait for tomorrow!!

And so there you have it... day one of The Adventures of Kano Boy!!  Oh yes, Tuvia started a journal... Here is a sketch he did of assembling the Kano!

More tomorrow!


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High School
Technology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The exploits of "Kano-boy!"

It is Sunday in our home and my 10 year old son Tuvia is pacing the floor in excitement...

"I can't wait until tomorrow!" he keeps on saying.  

You see, Tuvia is going to a one week session at STAR Camps' "Coding with Kano," where he will be building his very own computer and then programming it!
The concept is simple.  The students build their own computer using the Kano platform (a RasberyPI and the Kano OS  As soon as they have the hardware conquered and the OS loaded, they immediately start programming challenges such as making and modifying games like Pong, Snake, and even Minecraft.

What Tuvia finds so cool is that he will be able to build his own computer and bring it home when he is done.  To a STEM educator like myself, Tuvia's enthusiasm is like music to my ears!!  Could you imagine a 4th or 5th grade class taking a couple of hours for a few weeks to build and program their very own computers?  Think of the empowerment to this group of young learners!!

Yossie's 10 year old son Tuvia, holding his journal.

So, here is what I am going to do.  For the next week, Tuvia will be my guest blogger.  He will be taking a small journal to camp so that he can document his experience.  Every night, he will dictate to me what happened in class and what were the high and low points.  (I am going to ask the camp instructor to take pictures and send them to me daily...)  

Now, here is a bit of a "golden opportunity" for you, my readers... Send me questions for Tuvia to answer about his experience.  How did he like it, and so on.  You will have access to an actual 10 year old to get some invaluable data.  My mail is  Pass this on to your colleges and let's see what can come out of this experience.


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High SchoolTechnology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Woolly socks on a warm day


I am at the CIJE (Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education) engineering training session in New York "hobb-knobbing" with some amazing educators.  During one of the breaks, I overheard a cool, little, easy to use, science lab.  (Shout out to Heshy and Yaffa)
MS Teachers taking CIJE training

So here is the scenario:

As a child (or maybe an adult??) did your mother ever yell at you: "Don't walk outside in your stocking feet!!"

And what was your response?... "Aw-gee Ma, I am only going out for a second. What's the harm? I won't step on anything!!"  Well, this little lab can show what really happens...

Simply, have your students walk outside (usually in the spring or fall for best results) in a pair of woolen socks.  Let them walk through the grass, close to trees, flowers and so on.  Bring them (and their socks) back into the classroom.  Sprinkle a bit of water on the socks and (optional shake a bit of potting soil on the socks) put them in a zip-lock bag.  Let them sit (in a warm environment) and germinate for about a week.... look at the results.

Here is a link that I found on the web from New Zealand...

So, what do you think of this lab?  What questions does it raise?  How would you use it in your classroom.  As always, your comments are solicited on the blog site.


Yossie Frankel
I.T. Director - Shalhevet High SchoolTechnology Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Reach out and TOUCH SOMEONE?

Virtual and Augmented Reality are cool.  Unfortunately, cool only goes so far - there must be a REASON why we would use it in Education.  Well, in my last post, I gave an excellent example of how VR can transport whole classrooms of students to places that they have never been and would, most likely, never go.  The visuals and audio are amazing and transformative, but I felt like there was something missing... UNTIL NOW!

Enter, GLOVEone!

Yes, it is finally here.  The interactive tool that lets you FEEL the environment that you are virtually visiting.  Here is their promo video - get ready to be inspired.

Here is the "techie" video on how the device works.

OK... so what do you think?  At the rate at which this stuff is coming out, I am going to need to create a "Kick-starter" just to be able to afford to test them!!  Speaking of Kickstarter, here is the link to the GloveOne campaign.

So my friends out there in" virtual blog-land"...are YOU ready to reach out and touch someone?

As always, please post your comments on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Field Trips - no bus? no budget? NO PROBLEM!!

Google I/O, the yearly extravaganza that shows us what the Mega-Tech Giant has been up to, ran last week in Northern California.  While a lot was shown and released, this item really caught my fancy...

Virtual Field Trips.

Yes, your read correctly - Virtual Filed Trips.  

It can be very difficult to get a bus load of 4th graders over to China to walk on the Great Wall.  The bathroom breaks alone would drive a teacher crazy!!  The solution?  Grab a lab of Google Cardboard viewers with smart phones, a teacher tablet and press go!!

Yep, That easy!!  AND IT IS RUNNING RIGHT NOW!!!

(The part of the video that has the most meaning for me is when the kids all go "whoa!!")

The really cool part is how they make the videos.  Google has partnered with GoPro cameras to make the "Google Jump" camera aray.  Shoot a video with this device, upload it to YouTube and Google will do the rest of the magic for you to make your very own, 3D, HD, VR Video!!

So, You don't have the $8K to buy a Jump Camera array... what now??

Well, you can purchase your very own Kodak SP360 Camera and make some really cool video.  I have one and we recorded a 360 video that we played at the Shalhevet annual gala. It was absolutely AMAZING when viewed on the Google Cardboard.  For a less personal version, click below and give it a try on your computer, smart phone or tablet.  When playing on an iPad/iPhone, you MUST use the YouTube app.  Also, hold the iPad/iPhone at eye level and move it around.  The Gyroscope moves the point of view... very cool!  When on a PC or Mac, you MUST use the Google Chrome viewer.

OK... I hear you... My video is not HD and 3D, but you have to admit it IS pretty cool.  And all for under $300.00! 

Do you want higher resolution and more field of view?  Well... there ARE new 360 degree cameras coming out on the market that will now give you a full 360degree video that ALSO has a full 300 degrees (or more) of vertical view... you just won't be able to see your feet!

Giroptic 360 Cam - click to see video

Bubl Cam - click to see video

And how to view these videos on you iPad or 'Droid phone using Google Cardboard... there is a fantastic viewer called Kolor!  Just don't take my word for it - try it it yourself.  That's right... download the app right now, put it in "cardboard split screen mode" and watch a video.

By the way... try not to fall over!!

As always, your comments are solicited on the blog page.



Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Thursday, May 28, 2015

URGENT..... iPhone texting bug


Sorry about the delay on this... I only found out about an hour ago...

There is a text that will bring your iOS device crashing down - really, it truly exists!!!

Rather than go into detail... here is a link to a reputable site explaining it.

While it is annoying, this bug CAN stop your iPhone from texting properly until you fully delete the "key text" that started this....  Here is a series of recommendations to fix the problem..  (The "text me" from Siri seems to work the best...)

Please be aware of this and the possible fixes.  Apple will release an update at some point, but no one knows when yet...

If you need more info, please contact me directly.



Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I have fat fingers

I have a major complaint - I have fat fingers...

Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE using the touch screen on my 'droid smart phone.  It does so much for me while I am on-the-go, but I HATE taking notes with it as I just cant get used to the small on-screen keyboard.  Using my fingers to "write" with is no option either.

You know what else I hate?  Having to take my smartphone off my belt clip in order to jot down a quick note.

Well, it appears, that there is a solution to my "kvetching" (complaining).

Welcome the Phree - fresh out of "The Startup Nation!!" It is the coolest input device that answers all of my dreams.  
You just MUST watch their video.... and then go to the kickstarter page.

Now if I can only convince my wife to allow me to spend the money. (Hey, OTM Tech... can I get free demo unit and keep it?... Just asking!)

Kol Ha Kavod Gilad, Opher, Uri and Elisha.

As always, please leave you comments on my blog site.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel