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Monday, February 29, 2016

Rube Goldberg Machine - Passover Style...

So, last week in my blog, I admitted (again) to being a Sci-Fi geek.  But...did you know that I am also a Rube Goldberg Machine aficionado?  I LOVE them!!  So, imagine my unbridled joy at getting an email from Hadas Shafir Shekhter, the Marketing Director at the Israel's premiere technical university - The Technion - all about a Rube Goldberg Machine challenge!

It seems that the Technion is sponsoring their first ever TECHNION JEWISH DAY SCHOOL CHALLENGE!  The task is to build your own Rube Goldberg machine, in the spirit of Pesach.  First place wins a state-of-the-art 3D printer for their school and second place is a set of Arduino kits for your entire science class. (

Here is their launch video

So, don't "pass-over" this opportunity to engage your students AND WIN!!

But, before you start designing, you MUST watch this video on the Rube Goldberg machine that Technion students made for Pesach last year...

As always, your comments are solicited on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, February 26, 2016

To boldly go... to the Future Engineers Star Trek Challenge

I have said this many times... I am a Sci-Fi Geek.  I have a (Dr. Who) TARDIS salt shaker, a Darth Vader mask/helmet and Mr. Spock ears to name just a few items on display on the shelves in my office.

So imagine my joy at getting an email from a colleague of mine (shout out to voice-over artist Eli Schiff!!!) about the Future Engineers - Star Trek Replicator Challenge.

To quote the challenge website...

Future Engineers is an education platform that hosts and develops design challenges for young innovators. We are delighted to host the 3D Printing in Space Challenges powered by the ASME Foundation.  (

Here is the Launch video

Can you "Grok" this program? (Heinlein reference!!)  Do you have STEM educators in your school who could get into this?  If so, pass it on!!

As always, your comments are solicited on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Delayed Gratification (of email that is!)

Have you ever created an GAFE (Google Apps For Education) email that you would love to send at a later day/time and not immediately?  I know that I have - this very email as a matter of fact!  I am typing this on Sunday, while I have a few moments to work on my blog, and I don't want it to go out until Tuesday.  This way I don't inundate you, my readers, with dozens of blogposts every day.  

Great idea, you think, but can I do that?!!

Enter Google Chrome Extensions...

There are dozens of "little add-ons" that you can add to your Google Chrome Browser that lets you do all sorts of things!  Over the next few months, I will highlight different ones, but for this week it will be Boomerang for gmail.

Boomerang allows the user to schedule emails to automatically send in the future, so you can write an email now, and the service will send it for whenever you indicate.  It can even track to see if your email has been opened!

Here is a quick video explaining how to do it...

You like?  OK... so install it!

Click this link to go to Boomerang.  Add it to your Google Chrome.  Shut down Chrome and re-open it.  You are good to go!

As always, I solicit your comments on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Monday, February 22, 2016

Formative Assessments

As many of you who follow my blog and CIJE professional development videos know, I am HUGE proponent of formative assessments.  You know, those "little tests" that make sure that the student has understood a concept before moving on to new material. When formative assessments are used as part of a flipped learning system, they are great tools for helping a teacher to decide what to cover in the next class.  It is also a great way to make customized educational plans for students.

Richard Byrne, from posted this great comparison sheet that covers some of my favorite formative assessment engines.  It would be very worthwhile to add this to your "check it out" list.  (Also, subscribe to Richard's Blog - it is chock-full of great educational pearls!!)



Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, February 19, 2016

Is it LIVE or is it Virtual/Augmented Reality? (with apologies to Memorex and Ella Fitzgerald)

Remember this commercial?

Back in "the day" it was all about high quality audio to transport a person to another place or time.  You know, those huge headphone, high quality audio and eyes squeezed shut.

Well, now-a-days, we don't just have high quality audio - we can actually transport your reality to another location without even leaving the classroom.  (See my blogpost on VR field trips)

Here are a series of apps that you can readily load to your smart phone (with Google Cardboard) and experience a virtual transported reality.

First, of course, there is the Cardboard App to get you started with a few different experiences.

Star Wars

Fun VR/AR from a galaxy far, far away...

Discovery VR

Join the Discovery Channel on their newest adventure in virtual reality and explore the immersive world of Discovery VR. In a growing collection of dynamic 360 video experiences, you'll find exclusive clips from behind-the-scenes of your favorite shows, heart-pounding adventures and stunning celebrations of our incredible planet.


A universe of virtual reality experiences. 

Experience the best cinematic virtual reality content. Fully immerse yourself in 3D and full screen 360 curated video 


YouVisit connects people with unique virtual experiences on a worldwide scale, sparking curiosity, inspiring exploration, and creating a sense of global citizenship

Of course, you will need to get a Google Cardboard set.... you can google individual manufacturers, or just go to the Google Cardboard Home Page:

So, what are your favorite VR/AR apps?  It would be great if you shared them on the blogsite.



Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Research Tools for Google Docs

Just as I promised in my blog post of February 9th, here is another Google "pearl" for you to use with your students (and yourself!)

Google Docs is a great word processor.  It always keeps a copy of your document, is available even if you are off-line, and is a truly multi-user collaborative platform.  With all sorts of "add-ons" and built in tools, it has become the "go-to" word processor for education. So it only makes sense that one of the tools is created to help facilitate research.

Here is how it works...

From inside a Google doc, click the "tools" menu item.

Now click the "Research" menu item.

A side pane will open where you can select your research topic/source

You can even pull your source and have it "auto-cite" the information in your Google Doc (Yes, I am mentioned in the book Cool Jew... for real... go buy one and see!!)

Now that I have shown you how to use this tool... go and play with it!!  Try it yourself!!

As always, I solicit your comments on the blog site.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Next LIVE Webcast - Ready to "Flip" over this one?

Are you ready to flip??
No... not that kind of flip...  Flipping your classroom lessons so that students can be prepared for class and you can spend more time on one-on-one education!

It's not new... we teacher-types have been "flipping" for decades.  You know - "please read chapter 10 for class tomorrow..." and so on.

So what's the big deal now?

Well, not only can we assign work for students to do at home to prepare for the next day of classes, but we can monitor to make sure that they have done it AND - through formative assessment - we can customize the next day's class as well!

How can we do this?  Well - just attend my next LIVE on-line webcast next Wednesday, February 17th at 12:00 noon PST (3:00pm EST) and find out.

This is not a "big theory" discussion but a practical, how-to-do-it session! As well as demonstrating how to flip, I will be going over different resources available to help make you a full-time flipper!!

No, not that Flipper.... sigh...

See you next Wednesday!

Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Search out thy GOOGLE for secret policies (With apologies to Shakespeare - King Henry VI)

I was sitting at dinner with my family the other evening (yes, I do the "family dinner" thing...) and my tech savvy 10 year old son asked me a science based question. 

Now, normally, I would dig into my deep well of personal knowledge - I am a science teacher after all - and discuss the answer with him while trying to engage his HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills).  That night though, I told him to "Google it" himself. This brought up some interesting discussion...

It seems that my son, a representative of the "Google Generation" (see my blog on Kano Boy) was only aware of the most superficial ways of using the Google search engine. This led me to wonder if other students were as "search challenged" as my son. 

To explore further, I asked random students, at the high school where I have my office, how they would google a specific question.  The results were the alarming!! They had absolutely no depth to their search - just a superficial check of the first couple of websites.  What was even worse was that they didn't even check to see how reliable those sites were!!

(If you have never heard of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, you must read up on this endangered species at this link AND THEN.... read the real story at this link!  You will quickly see what I mean about search skills!!)

My fellow 21st Century Educators, I would suggest that we need to take it upon ourselves to make sure that our students, the hope for the future, fully understand HOW to use this wonderful source of information called GOOGLE! This means that WE must become educated on the myriad offerings that Google has and become proficient users.

To help with this task, I will be posting, once a week, different Google resources that we can use to become better acquainted with this pervasive technology that surrounds us.

My first recommendation is an amazing on-line Google class that teaches how to become a "Power Searcher with Google Search!"  (

This site uses the Google "Course Builder" LMS which is a free resource that we can use to build our very own on-line classes.  (More on this in a later post)

So, let me know what you think!  As always, your comments and suggestions are always welcome on the blogsite.


Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Friday, February 5, 2016

Alternative Assessments - The "Scottish Play" Version

I know that I have written on alternative assessments before, but my wife Batsheva showed me some samples of her ALA English's "Mac-blog" assignment from this year that just had to share with you.

     (Sample blog home page from one of the students/)

First, some history...

Back in 2004, while teaching for a girls' Jewish High School in New Jersey (shout out to Bruriah High School!!!), Batsheva decided that she was going test her students understanding of the "Scottish Play" (Macbeth for those of you who are Shakespeare challenged) by having them do a - for that time - non standard assessment.  Since there was this new Facebook thingy that everyone was talking about, she had the students pick a character from the play and create a faux facebook page as if they were that character.

It was great! Students had a blast trying to "get into the heads" of each of the characters so that they could pretend - role play actually - and develop a strong understanding of what made each character unique.  Nowadays, we call this HOTS - Higher Order Thinking Skills.

Well, Batsheva has updated this alternative assessment and this year's students at her current school (Batsheva is the Dean of Faculty at Arete Preparatory Academy) did an amazing job.  In Batsheva's own words, here was the assignment...

The assignment was to create a blog that either Lady Macbeth or Macbeth would have kept during the duration of the events from the play, and then as secondary characters they commented on each others' blogs.  They were also required to add visuals, links or "favorites" and music that the person would like.

The students used whatever platform they liked - squarespace, pinterest, tumblr, Google Sites, and so on.  Then the fun began... The students analyzed, in-depth, each character and tried to "live" as that character.  Then, they posted.  The quality of the "Macblog" AND the supporting characters comments were measured via a marking rubric.  While keeping student interest and enthusiasm up, the teacher obtains a very clear indication if the student has mastered the goals of the course.

Now, here as some of the blogs.... give them a look!! (The students gave me permission to post their blog links.) - (this student is studying to be a graphic artist.  Since this is a paid site, it will only be up for a month - so check it out right away!) 

What do you think?  As always, I solicit your comments on my blogsite!



Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel

Monday, February 1, 2016

Life Long Learners - CIJE Style

Life-long Learners - That's the ideal we want our students to embrace. It's not so much about filling one's head with reams of information, but learning HOW to acquire information and knowledge as it is needed.  And, since we need to be able to do this for our entire lives, being a life-long learner is one of the major goals of 21st Century educational practices.

But, if we teachers are going to model best practices for our students, that means that we must become life-long learners as well.  The question is how can we do this with all of the time constraints that are placed on us?

The folks at CIJE (The Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education have asked this question and have come up with a few suggestions...

One idea is that we offer LIVE on-line sessions on topics and ideas that have been suggested by our member schools.  And, in the spirit of best practice, we deliver the information using the exact same tools, systems and techniques that our schools can use to create their own on-line presences for adult education, community learning or flipped/blended classes.

Since many of our schools are using the Google Apps For Education Platform, as well as iPads and Google Chrome laptops, our inaugural LIVE webcast topic was on... Goolge - its security issues and how that affects our schools' filtering systems.  To help facilitate the program, we were joined, LIVE on-line,  by a filtering and securities expert - Christopher Weimann - from the organization.

Using the readily available - and FREE!! (a great resource for our schools) - Google Hangouts on Air, we broadcast a full 40 minute session.  While this particular episode was geared towards IT coordinators, all of the 25 or so participants agreed that it was very informative and helpful.

Now, as every veteran teacher who uses technology knows, one must ALWAYS have a backup plan in place should the technology fail during a class.  We are no different and a it's a good thing that we planned that way!!  About 9 minutes into the presentation, our Google Hangout on Air experienced a crash.  Fortunately, we had a second laptop running on a completely separate network that we were able to quickly switch over to.  Even though our video was now relegated to two little squares at the bottom of the screen, the show went on and, if the feedback from the participants is any indication, was a great success!

Our next LIVE broadcast will be Wednesday, February 17th at 12:00 noon PST (3 PM EST).  We will be presenting a 30 minute practical lesson on how to "Flip" learning in classroom.  This broadcast is geared particularly for teachers and will have real-life techniques that can be used immediately in the classroom.

Subscribe to my blogsite or my Twitter to feed for more information.

As always, I solicit your comments and suggestions on the blogsite.



Yossie Frankel
IT Director - Shalhevet High School
Tech Specialist - CIJE

Checkout my blog:
Twitter @yossiefrankel