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Thursday, April 30, 2015

STEM - Arete Prep Style!

What do you get when you have a Head of School who loves STEM learning with a group of students who are creative beyond imagination?...  You get the Arete Preparatory School's office door "security system"

Tthis attached video says it all.... (it is unedited, so you will have to "up" the volume at certain points)
click here for video

So, what you you think?  Do you want to hire these guys for your office??  One of the earlier versions used a "super soaker!!"

As always, please post your responses on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fun Optical Illusion - build it for class!!

From time to time, I just like to have some fun and share some cute items with you all.

While the video below makes for a great introduction into light and reflection (MS Physical Science, HS Conceptual Physics or an Art class on perspective... can you say "STEAM" Project??) it would be just plain fun and engaging to build this with your students.


If you want to build one yourself, here is a template.

As always, I look forward to your comments on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Congratulations to Rabbi Michael Cohen at Harkham Hillel

Please join me in congratulating Rabbi Michael Cohen (@TheTechRabbi) on being selected as an "Apple Distinguished Educator -- Class of 2015."  This means that he is a member of a handpicked community of education innovators. 

Michael is the Director of Educational Technology at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy, is the author of "The Invisible iPad," and speaks all over the country on how to PROPERLY use Ed Tech tools in a 21st Century Classroom.  (Give his article a read!!)  

The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Program began in 1994, when Apple recognized K-12 and higher education pioneers who are using a variety of Apple products to transform teaching and learning in powerful ways.  Today it has grown into a worldwide community of over 2,000 visionary educators and innovative leaders who are doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. Michael Cohen has been included by Apple to the ADE Class of 2015.  

You can learn more about this group of innovative educators online at:

Please take a few moments and - if you have an account - tweet out a congratulations to Michael. (If you don't have a twitter account... now is a great time to get one!!)
(Thanks to Rabbi Sufrin, HOS at Hillel... I stole some of his text for this email!!)

Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Augmented Reality - It's really here!!

OMGosh.....I can't get away from this stuff!  

If we go back to an old post (click here) of mine, I say that Augmented Reality - you know, the kind of vision that "overlays" real life - is coming and is going to change the way we teach.  Well, it will also change the way we drive, work, etc.  

Don't believe me? Then lets look at BMW/MiniCooper Augmented Reality Goggles...

These prototype glasses - which are being demoed/tested right now... as in they actually work!! - are an add on to the Mini Cooper car.

The idea is simple, when you are going for a drive, slip on your "driving glasses" and be prepared for the future!  

OK, so they look a bit "geeky" but remember, they are PROTOTYPES...

In your regular field of vision, you see things like directions, speed, and the part I really like - avoidance detection.

From the reports, it is NOT distracting, but rather ENHANCES driving.  Watch the video below and see for yourself (warning-the vision is simulated, but wearers have concurred that it actually looks like this!)

Remember, your heard it here first!!!

Your comments?  Please share on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SWEET - 3D printed food!

In a world of 3D printed houses, 3D printed cars, 3D printed prosthetics and even 3D printed body parts, one would think that the world of Chocolatiers would be safe!

Well... not any more.

The folks at 3D Systems - you know, the people that back in '84 helped originate 3D printing - are now taking over the world of hand-crafted candy. With the upcoming release of the Chef Jet and Chef Jet Pro - well, rather that write about this, why don't you just look at the pictures and video below.

Oh, by the way... try not to drool on your tablets...



Now, just in case you think that 3DSystems only fuels our sugar rushes.... they also make a COMPLETE line of 3D printers that can handle just about any material from metal and plastic though to.... well... sugar!  (They are also working with Daqri and Crayola in bringing Augmented Reality to life! See this blog entry)

Hey folks at 3DSystems... do you make a ChefJet for Passover??

As always, your comments are solicited on the blog page.


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Monday, April 20, 2015

The "long-shorter" path to learning

In a previous blog, I have discussed WHY we should use augmented reality in schools (click here for blog post) and the good folks from Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy have given us a fantastic example of HOW to do it!! (Not to mention a perfect example of 21st Century Learning)

Firstly, kudos to the people who made this happen: Rabbi Boruch Sufrin (@rabbisufrin), the Head of School; Rabbi Michael Cohen (@theTechRabbi), the Director of Educational Technology; and Rabbi Zach Swigard (@ZachSwigard), Middle School Teacher Extraordinaire.  These folks are beyond amazing!!

So, are you ready... then fasten your safety belts as we are about to take a real cool trip!!

We start off our journey with Rabbi Michael Cohen who is the author of the "The Invisible iPad." Michael has been teaching his students how to use Google Sketch to give form to their ideas and concepts.  You know, the "hey, I would love to build..." thing that kids do.  Well, using Google Sketch, students can now give shape and image to these ideas. To watch them put their vision into a (digitally) tangible form is beyond amazing! So what classroom based exercise do we use that will effectively permit this model/tool of expression?"  To see, let's hop over to stop two of our whirlwind tour...

We are now in the middle school classroom of Rabbi Zach Swigard.  Here the students are learning about the construction of the Mishkan - the tabernacle - mentioned in the Jewish Torah (Bible).  There are exact descriptions and measurements on the design and construction of the structure itself as well as the vessels that were used inside it.  Even so, there is a lot of detail left to the imagination.  This is the perfect environment to use Google Sketch.  First though, there is a little work to do...

Students examine each of the different opinions on HOW each vessel of the Mishkan was created and then, using the skills taught by Rabbi Cohen, sketch it up!  It is beautiful to see the groups of students scouring the biblical text (written in Hebrew with comments in Aramaic I might add) and then discussing what each description and measurement actually means. From this collaboration, they then express their learning by doing a scale 3D drawing.  OK, cool, we now have a drawing, but how do the students SHARE this knowledge in a way that will build interest and retention of concepts?

For the SHARING part of our trip, we pull a fast right turn and stop back in the laboratory of Rabbi Michael Cohen where the 3D scale drawings that each group created are inserted into Augmented Reality.  Using the Daqri 4D Studio for Education, the Google Sketch is "married" to a "launch pad" for the Virtual Reality element. Now, using the Daqri app, we can see the students' 3D creation interacting in our world!
I know... you are saying "Yossie, stop the delay! We want to see the final product NOW!!!"   Sure, I get your impatience, but before I give you the links that will allow you to experience what the students created, we have to make one more quick stop - the office of Rabbi Sufrin, Head of School.

Rabbi Sufrin is a quite of an expert on Blended Learning in Jewish Days Schools. (Here is a link to a webinar that he hosted for Digital JLLearning Network and EliTalks) He really understands the philosophy and need for effective use of technology in the classroom as a tool to achieve curricular ends, and not having technology for the sake of having technology. So, in a recent meeting, Rabbi Sufrin gave us a challenge.  He said that traditionally, students sit in class while their teacher explains all about the different vessels of the Mishkan.  The teacher then has the students read the differing opinions on the details and the construction.  But Rabbi Sufrin said that he wants students to, in groups, delve deeply into this topic without the teacher telling them what to do!  He wants the students to really finesse the fine points of the commentary without the teacher presenting the information "on a golden platter." Once each student has an idea of the WHAT each vessel did and HOW it was built, then student (or groups of students) must show that they truly understand the essence of what they learned.  Of course, Rabbi Sufrin pointed out, if we can achieve that, then the student will not only remember the details of the Mishkan, but they will carry the knowledge of HOW to learn, and HOW to express that learning, forever.

What do you think?  To see the final results from the students, first load the Daqri app to your smart device,  then print out the launchpad graphics from this link.  Point the working app at the launchpad and have fun!!

What are your opinions?  Please let us know through comments on the blog page.


(Oh, yes... can anyone guess why I called this the "long-shorter" path to learning?  Use the comments section on the blog page!)

Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Monday, April 13, 2015

I Have the Power! Do you?

Have you ever had your computer, tablet or cell phone lose power in the middle of the day?

In the campy 80's cartoon He-Man, when the young prince Adam needed power, he would raise his sword and call out out - "By the Power Grayskull, I have the power" - and zzzzzap!  He had all sorts of power!!

If only life were that easy.

One of the biggest hardware based complaints that I get from my students and teachers is that their device - phone, tablet, computer - has lost power and needs to be charged.  This of course means tethering the device to a wall socket and inevitably, there are not enough wall sockets available when you need it the most.  Ever been in the airport with a dying device?  How about the school hallway at lunch? It is like a spider web!

Well, I am happy to say that I don't have that problem.  Why you may ask?  Well, I carry a battery backup with me!

For under $70.00, I have a couple of days worth of power in my backpack - and the cool thing is that it is about the size of thick iPhone 6.

Now, there are different external battery chargers based on what you are going to charge.  If it is an Asus PHI PC (like I run for my main tablet/laptop) then you need 9V @ 2A.  If it is your average i-device then it is 5V @ 2A.  For these devices, there is an easy fix.  My favorite (and highest rated by users) is the Anker. It will charge just about anything short of a big laptop.  

If you are fortunate enough to own a battery guzzling Mac (that uses, of course, a proprietary charging system) there are external Batteries such as Battery Box for about $159.00

PC more your style? For these laptops there is a much wider selection.  A tried and true unit is the Turcom Ultra that fits just about any PC laptop and its price comes in at about $115.00

Bottom line:  Make sure that your 1:1 program has some way of powering the units at all times.  If you don't, you may find yourself in the dark!


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Thursday, April 9, 2015

YouTube and Why your filter doesn't work any more....

As you can tell from this post's title, it is going to be a "wee bit" technical.  Sorry about this, but the SSL issue and YouTube is a very important topic.

So, what's the deal?

Well, as members of the consortium - and my blog readers, there is a problem and I need to make you aware of it.  It is one of the reasons to join the consortium after all.... to be made aware of concerns that crop up in the wonderful world of school tech. (yes, another shameless plug for membership - it does have its privileges!)

Google, the owners of YouTube, has taken great measures to secure their web traffic from hackers and Internet Pirates. Those special measures are wreaking havoc with school Internet filters.

The way Google (and banks and credit card companies) protect and encrypt their Internet traffic, is by using SSL - or Secured Socket Layer.  You know, that "https://" that you see before the website name.  It means "httpSECURE."

The way this works is that Google (or the bank, etc.)  issues a security certificate that is placed on the main root servers of the Internet.  So now, whenever a computer wants to send a secured message to Google (SSL), it will be encoded using a special security protocol based on that Certificate.  This allows the sending device to safely encode its data so that no one on the Internet can see it.  The banks do this all the time!!  Technical enough for you?  So what't the big deal??

Well, since the traffic is encoded, the school filter can't take a peek to see what is in it - so it can't be blocked!  Sure, the filter will block access to a main website, but once the website is allowed, it can pass secret, encoded traffic WITHOUT the filter being able to see it.  

For example, let's say that your schools allows the YouTube video on the West Coast Tree Hugging Octopus.  The filter will see the URL and then let it through - after all, it is an allowed URL.  Now, when the student finishes watching YouTube, at the end of the video, a bunch of other videos pop up.  The student can now click on any of those videos and, as the request is fully encoded and can't be seen by the filter, the student can now watch a video that we don't want to let them see! Yes, there are ways to stop the videos from appearing at the end, but that means that you need unencumbered access to the Google website - which means leaving Google search open - and some of the schools don't want to do this.<Have you ever seen the supposedly "safe" images on "safe search???"> Even so, Google now passes this traffic through SSL as well!

Panic... Stop YouTube access!!  RED ALERT!!! Captain Kirk, the parents are going to go warp factor 7!!

Now, hang on a sec - push back the panic...  Google published a work around (that the Consortium School already have available to them) called the "man in middle" procedure.

What we can do is create our own SSL Certificate, load it to the all of the computers and iPads (and iPhones, etc.) that are in the school and so now, when the device requests an encoded session, the "man in the middle" intercepts it and tells the computer to use our SSL Certificate. Since the computer has been told to trust our SSL Certificate (we loaded it, remember?), we can now peek into the Internet transmission (like we used to do before Google went SSL) and everything is good.  Our filter can filter and everyone is happy.

HAPPY?  Uhhhh... no, not really.  Let me put on my "hacker hat" (Black Hat, in hacker terms, means "bad" hacker.  White Hats are "good" hackers...) and explain.  If I were a "black hatter," then I could use this system to hack into major banks, governments, and so on.... doesn't sound too good to me.  And guess what, it doesn't sound so good to banks, governments (and so on) either!!!

So, just when you thought that we had solved the Google/YouTube problem - it rears its ugly head again...  There is a movement to have the way we use SSL Certificates  changed dramatically so that web traffic can be more secure.  This means that our "man in the middle" technique will not work anymore!

So, what is the solution?

Well, there really isn't one right now.  While we currently have a way to filter, it will be disappearing in a year or two.  Now, before it is too late, we need to think about HOW we are going to solve filtering issues like YouTube and, better yet, WHY are we filtering?  Perhaps now is the time for us to start training our students about the necessity to become savvy consumers of information and how to deal with inappropriate videos and images that will (not CAN... believe me... it WILL) come their way.

Caveat Emptor! (buyer beware) and be Semper Paratus (always prepared)

And, now you know why I have grey hair...


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Build your own ROBOT ARMY!!

We educators are always talking about Meta-cognitive Skills, Educational Outcomes and so on....  Well, sometimes we just have to "kick back"  and have some fun!!

Enter ROBOT ARMY.....  

An array of small robots - your own personal minions - that respond to your movements and face expressions.  There is no purpose to this army, other than it is fun!  Ummmm... well... it is also kind of an art exhibit... and we do learn about programming skills.... and we actually engineer some robots... and we do have to collaborate..... So it sounds like we are building some "STEAM" (Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Manufacturing) skills... OK, so I lied - it does have an educational purpose - BUT IT STILL IS FUN!!

Check out this video showing the army at work....

Now check out this video explaining how you can get your own minions!!
For more information, you can go directly to the Robot Army website:

How about it.... anyone else want to go into building an army with me?


Yossie Frankel
Director - Consortium for Information and Academic Technologies
Member Schools:
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy -
Oakland Hebrew Day School -
Shalhevet High School -
Yeshivat Yavneh -
Arete Preparatory Academy -
Midreshet Emunah V'Omanut - Jerusalem -
Checkout my blog @
Twitter @yossiefrankel
YouTube Channel: YossieFrankelChannel