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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sivivon - 21st Century Style!

WOW!  It's hard to believe that it has been over 4 months since I have written my last blog post!  The folks at CIJE have kept me very busy working with our network of schools across the US.  I have had the pleasure to travel to Oakland, Seattle, San Diego, New York, Irvine. Los Vegas and of course my home base here in Los Angeles.

While I love visiting and working with all of the schools in the CIJE network, I had the particular pleasure of touring the brand new Startup Incubator (Si) at the Adelson Education Campus in Los Vegas.

The Si is an amazing space that incorporates a digital media lab (for audio-visual projects), a "maker space" filled with 3D printers, laser cutters, lathes and other traditional manufacturing tools, as well as a huge creation space where students can work with 3D modeling software, robotics, engineering and so on.

In a recent email, Dr. Yvonne Houy, the Incubator's Outreach Coordinator, and Dr. Camille McCue, the Director of Technology Innovations, outlined a really cool Si program that integrates Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, and STEM education. After hearing about it, I thought that this would be a great to share this information with you all!

Geared for grades 5 through 12, the Adelson's Si Dreidel project teaches the student about the historical and religious significance of Hanukkah's favorite game and then delves into the physics of what makes a Dreidel, basically a spinning top, work.  From there, each participant will design their own Dreidel and 3D print it. The younger students can use easy-to-learn programs such as TinkerCAD to design their Dreidel and the older participants can use more sophisticated software such as Fusion360.

Drs. Houy and MCue have assembled a series of videos and a website about the Si  Dreidel program that takes you through, step by step, what is involved in making this a viable project for your school. The videos are short and concise, explaining the different steps of the project perfectly!

As always, I am happy to help our CIJE schools with idea's like this, but I would highly recommend that you reach out directly to the two experts at the Si: Dr. Houy at or Dr. McCue at

Please feel free to comment on the blogsite!



Yossie Frankel
Tech Specialist - CIJE

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Twitter @yossiefrankel