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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Safer Internet Day

It seems like there is a day for everything.

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Pet Rock Day 
(yep - for real!!  The first Sunday in September!)

But here is one day that I can really get behind:

Now, it is very important that we are constantly aware of being safe on the Wild, Wacky West (www) of the Internet.  By setting aside one day though, we can create a special occasion that makes a really big deal about what being safer means.  The problem is, and the question that I get from most of my fellow educators is, what can we do to make the day significant?

Well, look no further as I got a great little package to share with you!!

Recently, I received an email from one of my colleagues in New York who put me onto a free program from is a subscription service that has a cornucopia of educational tools that help classroom teachers educate students about digital literacy skills.  Back when I was running the Consortium for Information and Academic Technology, I came across this company quite a few times and the educators using them had only the best to say of their experience!  (No I am not paid for any mention of the service - remember, I don't do that commission thing!!  But I would take a coffee cup - hint, hint :-)

So if you are looking for something to do with your students this Safer Internet Day - now you have a solution!

Have you ever heard of Safer Internet Day and if so, what do you with your students on it?  I would love to have your comments on the blogsite.



Director of Technology
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Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy  
9120 W Olympic Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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