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Thursday, November 7, 2019

If I had a cell phone, I'd use it in the classroom... (with apologies to Peter, Paul and Mary)

I am a bit torn on this one...

The headline reads:  

"Ontario to ban classroom cellphone use starting November"

As one who has been on both sides of the conversation, this is a hard one for me.

On one hand, I find it frustrating that students are sneaking looks at their cell phones and not paying attention in class.

On the other hand, what exactly are my goals in my classroom and is what I am doing so boring and un-engaging that students turn to their cell phones?

Somewhere there has to be a happy medium!

In order for us to find that equilibrium, it often involves reevaluating our own educational culture/paradigms, or sometimes, even the harder task of changing of our schools culture/paradigms!

So, my dear readers, I give you a golden resource to help.  A "pod-cast of pod-casts" to listen to.  It's called:

This pod-cast is informative AND IT'S FUN!!  There is a "faux-mercial" at the start of every episode, a great interview with educational trail-blazers, a game show where you can win swag and segments that involve input from teachers, students and parents.

As a matter of fact, they just did a great episode on "Cell Phones Are Evil, Games are Frivolous and Other Myths"  On this broadcast, one group of guests were actual students from Ontario, Canada and they talk about cellphone use in the classroom!  Very timely!

Now, I am NOT being paid anything to let you know about this great pod-cast BUT, truth in advertising requires that I tell you that...

It's my wife's pod-cast!!

Not only that, but I am also the announcer.

Even with my biased opinion, this is a great pod-cast and I highly recommend that you give it a listen.  

Who knows?  You may learn something - I certainly have!!

As always, I solicit your comments on the blog page (and on the pod-cast).


Yossie Frankel
Director of Technology
Hillel Logo
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy  
9120 W Olympic Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
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